Duba jerin kwasa-kwasan da ake yi a Jami'ar Ahmadu Bello dake Zaria
Shin kana ko kina da burin shiga jami'ar Ahmadu Bello dake Zaria, a matsayin dalibin digiri ko na gaba da haka?
Shin kana ko kina daga cikin daliban da suka rasa kwas din da zasu zaba a cikin kwasa-kwasan da ake a jami'ar Ahmadu Bello Zaria?
- Wannan rahoto yana dauke da duka kwasa-kwasan da ake yi a jami'ar ABU dake Zaria
Ga dai jerin duka kwasa-kwasan da ake yi a jami'ar baki daya

Asali: Facebook
Kwasa-kwasan digiri da ake yi a jami'ar Ahmadu Bello
- B. Agriculture
- B. Ed. Arabic Education
- B. Ed. Creative Art
- B. Ed. Economics Education
- B. Ed. Hausa Education
- B.A. Arabic
- B.A. Archeology
- B.A. Archeology/History
- B.A. English (Drama)
- B.A. English (Language)
- B.A. English (Literature)
- B.A. Fine Arts
- B.A. French
- B.A. Hausa
- B.A. History
- B.A. Industrial Design
- B.A. Local Government & Development Studies
- B.A. Theatre and Performing Arts
- B.Ed (Education Foundation and Curriculum)
- B.Ed (Education Psychology and Counselling)
- B.Ed. Biology Education
- B.Ed. Business Education
- B.Ed. Chemistry Education
- B.Ed. Christian Religious Studies
- B.Ed. Education Administration
- B.Ed. Geography Education
- B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling
- B.Ed. Home Economics
- B.Ed. Integrated Science
- B.Ed. Islamic Religious Studies
- B.Ed. Language Arts
- B.Ed. Mathematics Education
- B.Ed. Physical & Health Education
- B.Ed. Physics Education
- B.Ed. Science Education
- B.Ed. Social Studies
- B.Eng. Agicultural Engineering
- B.Eng. Automotive Engineering
- B.Eng. Chemical Engineering
- B.Eng. Civil Engineering
- B.Eng. Communications Engineering
- B.Eng. Computer Engineering
- B.Eng. Electrical Engineering
- B.Eng. Geomatic Engineering
- B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering
- B.Eng. Mechatronics Engineering
- B.Eng. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- B.Eng. Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
- B.Sc (Ed) Computer Science Education
- B.Sc Physics
- B.Sc. Accounting
- B.Sc. Agricultural Extension
- B.Sc. Architecture
- B.Sc. Biochemistry
- B.Sc. Biological Science
- B.Sc. Botany
- B.Sc. Building
- B.Sc. Business Administration
- B.Sc. Chemistry
- B.Sc. Computer Science
- B.Sc. Economics
- B.Sc. Ed. Agriculture Education
- B.Sc. Fisheries and Aquaculture
- B.Sc. Forestry and Wildlife
- B.Sc. Geography
- B.Sc. Geology
- B.Sc. Geomatics
- B.Sc. Glass Technology
- B.Sc. Human Anatomy
- B.Sc. Human Physiology
- B.Sc. Insurance
- B.Sc. International Studies
- B.Sc. Land Surveying
- B.Sc. Mass Communication
- B.Sc. Mathematics
- B.Sc. Mathematics with Computer Science
- B.Sc. Microbiology
- B.Sc. Nursing Science
- B.Sc. Political Science
- B.Sc. Polymer & Textile Science
- B.Sc. Public Administration
- B.Sc. Quantity Surveying
- B.Sc. Sociology
- B.Sc. Statistics
- B.Sc. Textile Science & Technology
- B.Sc. Urban & Regional Planning
- B.Sc. Zoology
- BA(Ed) Arabic
- BLIS (Bachelor of Library & Information Science)
- LLB Civil Law
- LLB With Specialization in Islamic Law
Darusan Masters da ake yi a jami'ar Ahmadu Bello Zaria
- LLM Commercial Law
- LLM Islamic Law
- LLM Private Law
- LLM Public Law
- LLM Public Law (Full-time)
- M.A African Cultural Studies
- M.A African Lang. (Arabic) Full-time
- M.A African Lang. (Hausa) Full-time
- M.A African Language
- M.A African Literature
- M.A Arabic (Languagee)
- M.A Arabic (Literature)
- M.A Arabic Language
- M.A Arabic Literature
- M.A Archaelogy (Full-Time)
- M.A Art Pedogogy (Full-time)
- M.A Arts History (Full-time)
- M.A Development Comm. (Full-Time)
- M.A Drama (Full-time)
- M.A English Lang. (Full-Time)
- M.A English Literature (Full-Time)
- M.A French (Full-Time)
- M.A History (Full-time)
- M.A Industrial Design (Full-time)
- M.A Law (Full-Time)
- M.A Literature (Full-Time)
- M.A Philosophy
- M.A Theatre Performing Arts (Full-Time)
- M.ED (Test/Lan Arts)
- M.Ed Admin. & Planning (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Arabic Education
- M.Ed Biology Education
- M.Ed Business Education (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Chemistry Education
- M.Ed Clothing & Textiles
- M.Ed Creative Arts Education
- M.Ed CRS. (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Curriculum & Instruc. (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Education Psychology
- M.Ed Family and Child Development
- M.Ed Geography Education
- M.Ed Guid. & Counselling (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Guidance and Counselling
- M.Ed Health Education (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Home Economics (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Instruction Technology
- M.Ed Integrated Science
- M.Ed Islamic Studies (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Language Arts
- M.Ed Language Arts (Hausa)
- M.Ed Maths Education(Full Time)
- M.Ed Measurement and Evaluation
- M.Ed Physical Education (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Physics Education
- M.Ed Psychology (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Science Education (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Social Studies (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Teaching English as Second Language (Full-Time)
- M.Ed Vocational & Technical Education
- M.Phil (Political Science)
- M.Phil Accounting and Finance (Full time)
- M.Phil Business Administration
- M.Phil Chemical Pathology (Full-Time)
- M.Phil Disaster Management
- M.Phil in Policy and Dev. Studies(Full-time)
- M.Phil Information Management
- M.Phil Information Science
- M.Phil International Relations
- M.Phil Library & Information Science
- M.Phil Mass Communication M.Phil Philosophy
- M.Phil Public Administration
- M.Phil Theriogenology
- M.Sc Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- M.Sc Accounting and Finance
- M.Sc Agric. Economics
- M.Sc Agric. Engineering
- M.Sc Agric. Extension & Rural Sociology
- M.Sc Agronomy
- M.Sc Analytical Chemistry
- M.Sc Animal. Science (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Applied Geophysics (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Aquatic Medicine
- M.Sc Architecture
- M.Sc Avian Medicine
- M.Sc Banking and Finance
- M.Sc Biochemistry (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Biological Science
- M.sc Biotechnology
- M.Sc Botany
- M.Sc Building Services (Full-time)
- M.Sc Business Administration (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Chemical Engineering (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Chemical Pathology
- M.Sc Chemistry (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Chemistry (Part-Time)
- M.Sc Civil Eng. (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Clinical Haematology
- M.Sc Colour Chem. & Tech. (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Communications Engineering
- M.Sc Computer engineering
- M.Sc Computer Science (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Construction Material (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Contr. Manag. (Full-time)
- M.Sc Contr. Tech. (Full-time)
- M.Sc Control Engineering
- M.Sc Crop Breeding (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Crop Physiology
- M.Sc Crop Protection (Full-time)
- M.Sc Demog. Pop. Studies (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Disaster Management
- M.Sc Economics (Full-time)
- M.Sc Educational Biology
- M.Sc Electric Machines and Industrial Drives
- M.Sc Electrical Engineering (Full-time)
- M.Sc Electronics Engineering
- M.Sc Energy Studies
- M.SC Engineering Management (Part-Time)
- M.Sc Env. Manag. (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Environmental Chemistry
- M.Sc Environmental Engineering
- M.Sc Equine Medicine
- M.Sc Equine Surgery
- M.Sc Exercise and Sports Sciences (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Farm Power and Machinery
- M.Sc Fibre and Polymer
- M.Sc Fisheries
- M.Sc Food Animal Medicine
- M.Sc Food Animal Surgery
- M.Sc Geo. Information System (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Geography (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Geology (Full-Time)
- M.sc Geomatics (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Geophysics (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Geotechnics (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Glass Technology
- M.Sc Human Anatomy (Full-time)
- M.Sc Human Physiology (Full-time)
- M.Sc Hydraulics and Engineering Hydrology
- M.Sc Immunology
- M.Sc Inform. Science (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Inorganic Chememistry
- M.Sc International Relation (FT)
- M.Sc Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- M.Sc Mass Communication (Full-time)
- M.Sc Mathematics (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Mechanical Engineering (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Mechatronics
- M.Sc Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Microbiology (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Nuclear Engineering
- M.Sc Nuclear Physics
- M.Sc Nuclear Science
- M.Sc Nursing Sciences(Full Time)
- M.Sc Nutrition
- M.Sc Oil and Gas Operations Management
- M.Sc Organic Chemistry
- M.Sc Orthopaedic Surgery
- M.Sc Pathology (Clinical Lab Mgt.)
- M.Sc Petroleum Chemistry
- M.Sc Physical Chem. (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Physics (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Pipeline and Welding Engineering
- M.Sc Plant Breeding (AGRA) Full Time
- M.Sc Policy and Dev. Studies (F/T)
- M.Sc Political Science (Full-time)
- M.Sc Polymer Sci.& Tech.(Full-Time)
- M.Sc Power Machine System Engineering
- M.Sc Production Engineering
- M.Sc Project Management
- M.Sc Public Administration (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Public Health (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Public Health (Part-Time)
- M.Sc Quantity Surveying
- M.Sc Radiation Biophysics (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Radiation Biophysics (Part-Time)
- M.Sc Regional Planning (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Remote Sensing and GIS (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Rural Development (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Rural Finance and Entrepreneurship (FT)
- M.Sc Safety Engineering and Disaster Control
- M.Sc Small Animal Dermatology
- M.Sc Small Animal Infectious Diseases
- M.Sc Small Animal Internal Medicine
- M.Sc Sociology (Full-time)
- M.Sc Soft Tissues Surg.
- M.Sc Soil Science (Full-time)
- M.Sc Sports Management (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Statistics (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Structure (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Telecommunication Engineering
- M.Sc Textile Sci.& Tech.(Full-Time)
- M.Sc Theriogenology (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Tourism & Recreation (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Transport Manag. (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Transportation and High Way (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Urban Management (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Vet Diagnostic Imaging
- M.Sc Vet. Anaesthesiology
- M.Sc Vet. Anatomy (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Vet. Physiology (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Vet. Physiology (Part-Time)
- M.Sc Vet. Public Health & Preventive Medicine
- M.Sc Vet. Toxicology (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Veterinary Entomology
- M.Sc Veterinary Epidemiology
- M.Sc Veterinary Helminthology
- M.Sc Veterinary Microbiology (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Veterinary Pathology
- M.Sc Veterinary Protozoology
- M.Sc Water Resources & Environmental Engineering (Full-Time)
- M.Sc Wildlife Medicine
- M.Sc Wildlife Surgery
- M.Sc Zoology
- M.Sc(Ed) Agricultural Education (Full-Time)
- Master in Building (Part-Time)
- Master in Environmental Chemistry
- Master in Journalism (MIJ)
- Master in Peace and Conflict Management (MPCM)
- Master in Petroleum Chemistry
- Master in Reproductive Health (MRH)
- Master in Strategic Communication (MISC)
- Master in Transport & Logistics (MTL)
- Master in Tropical Veterinary Medicine (MTVM)
- Masters in Accounting (Part-Time)
- Masters in Banking and Finance (Part-Time)
- Masters in Building
- Masters in Business Administration (Full-time)
- Masters in Business Administration (Part-Time)
- Masters in Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies
- Masters in Facilities Management (Part-time)
- Masters in Fine Arts - Painting (Full-time)
- Masters in Fine Arts - Sculpture (Full-time)
- Masters in Intern. Affairs & Diplomacy (Part-time)
- Masters in Landscape Architecture (Part-Time)
- Masters in Law enforc. Criminal Justice(MLC) (Part-Time)
- Masters in Library and Information Science (Full-time)
- Masters in Policy and Dev. Studies (MFDS)(Part-time)
- Masters in Public Administration (Full-Time)
- Masters in Public Administration (Part-Time)
- Masters in Urban Design (Full-Time)
- Masters in Urban Design (Part-Time)
- Masters Inform. Management (Part-time)
- Masters of Archive and Records Management (Full-Time)
- Masters of Rural Finance and Entrepreneurship (PT)
- MPA in Local Government
- MPH Field Epidemiology (FELTP)
- MPH Masters Public Health (Full-Time)
Kwasa-Kwasan PHD
- Doctor of Medicine (Chemical Pathology) MD
- Doctor of Medicine (MD) in Clinical Haematology MD
- Doctor of Medicine MD
- Doctor of Medicine in Human Physiology
- Ph.D (Test/Lang Arts)
- Ph.D Accounting and Finance
- Ph.D African Lang. (Chadics) Full-time
- Ph.D African Lang. (Hausa) Full-time
- Ph.D African Lang. (Linguistics) Full-time
- Ph.D African Lang. (Ngemba) Full-time
- Ph.D Agric. Economics
- Ph.D Agric. Engineering
- Ph.D Agric. Extension & Rural Sociology
- Ph.D Agronomy
- Ph.D Analytical Chemistry
- Ph.D Animal Science (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Animal Science (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Applied Geophy. (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Arabic (Full-time) Ph.D Archeology
- Ph.D Architecture (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Architecture (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Art Pedogogy (Full-time)
- Ph.D Arts History (Full-time)
- Ph.D Avian Medicine
- Ph.D Biochemistry (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Biological Science
- Ph.D Biotechnology
- Ph.D Botany
- Ph.D Building
- Ph.D Building Services (Full-time)
- Ph.D Business Administration
- Ph.D Business Education (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Chemical Engineering (Full-time)
- Ph.D Chemical Engineering (Part-time)
- Ph.D Chemical Pathology (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Chemistry Full-Time
- Ph.D Civil Eng. (Full-time)
- Ph.D Civil Eng. (Part-time)
- Ph.D Clinical Haematology
- Ph.D Colour Chem.(Full-Time)
- Ph.D Commercial Law
- Ph.D Composite Technology
- Ph.D Computer Engineering
- Ph.D Computer Science
- Ph.D Computer Science (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Construc. Material (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Contr. Manag. (Full-time)
- Ph.D Contr. Tech. (Full-time)
- Ph.D Control Engineering
- Ph.D Control Engineering
- Ph.D Creative Arts Education
- Ph.D Crop Breeding (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Crop Breeding (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Crop Physiology (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Crop Protection (Full-time)
- Ph.D Crop Protection (Part-time)
- Ph.D CRS. (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Cultural Resource Management
- Ph.D Curriculum & Instruc. (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Development Comm. (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Disaster Management
- Ph.D Drama (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Economics (Full-time)
- Ph.D Education
- Ph.D Education Admin. & Planning (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Education Psychology
- Ph.D Educational Biology
- Ph.D Electrical Engineering (Full-time)
- Ph.D Energy Studies (Full-Time)
- Ph.D English Lang. (Full-Time)
- Ph.D English Literature (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Environmental Engineering
- Ph.D Equine Medicine
- Ph.D Equine Surgery
- Ph.D Exercise & Sports Science (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Fiber & Polymer (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Fine Arts
- Ph.D Fisheries
- Ph.D Food Animal Medicine
- Ph.D Food Animal Surgery
- Ph.D French (Full-time)
- Ph.D Geography (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Geology (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Geology (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Geomatics (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Geotechnics (Full-time)
- Ph.D Glass Technology Ph.D Guid. & Counselling (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Guidance and Counselling
- Ph.D Health Education (Full-Time)
- Ph.D History (Full-time)
- Ph.D Home Economics (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Human Anatomy (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Human Physiology (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Human Physiology (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Hydraulics and Engineering Hydrology
- Ph.D Immunology
- Ph.D Industrial Design (Full-time)
- Ph.D Industrial Design (Part-time)
- Ph.D Information Science
- Ph.D Inorganic Chemistry
- Ph.D Instruc. Tech. (Full-Time)
- Ph.D International Relation (FT)
- Ph.D Islamic Law
- Ph.D Islamic Studies (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Language Arts
- Ph.D Languate Arts (Hausa)
- Ph.D Library Science and Information Science
- Ph.D Local Government Studies
- Ph.D Mass Communication
- Ph.D Mathematics
- Ph.D Mathematics (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Maths Education (Full Time)
- Ph.D Mechanical Engineering (Energy Studies)
- Ph.D Mechanical Engineering (Production Engineering)
- Ph.D Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Metallurgical & Materials Engineering(Part-Time)
- Ph.D Microbiology (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Microbiology (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Nuclear Physics (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Nursing Sciences
- Ph.D Organic Chemistry (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Orthopaedic Surgery
- Ph.D Painting (Full-time)
- Ph.D Pathology (Clinical Lab Mgt.)
- Ph.D Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Full-Time)
- PH.D Physical Education
- Ph.D Physics (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Plant Breeding (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Plant Physiology (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Political Science (Full-time)
- Ph.D Polymer Sci. & Tech. (Full-time)
- Ph.D Power System Engineering
- Ph.D Private Law
- Ph.D Production Engineering
- Ph.D Psychology (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Public Administration (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Public Law
- Ph.D Public Law (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Public Law (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Quantity Surveying (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Quantity Surveying (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Radiation Biophysics (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Rural Development (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Science Education (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Sculpture (Full-time)
- Ph.D Small Animal Infectious Diseases
- Ph.D Small Animal Internal Medicine
- Ph.D Social Studies (Full Time)
- Ph.D Social Studies (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Sociology
- Ph.D Soft Tissues Surgery
- Ph.D Soil Science (Full-time)
- Ph.D Solid State Physics (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Sports Management (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Statistics
- Ph.D Statistics (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Structure (Full-time)
- Ph.D Teaching English as Second Language (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Telecommunications Engineering
- Ph.D Textile Chemistry (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Textile Sci.& Tech.(Full-Time)
- Ph.D Textile Sci.& Tech.(Part-Time)
- Ph.D Theater Dev. (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Theatre and Performing Arts (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Theriogenology (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Transportation and High Way (Full-time)
- Ph.D Urban Regional Planning (Full-time)
- Ph.D Urban Regional Planning (Part-time)
- Ph.D Vet Diagnostic Imaging
- Ph.D Vet Public Health and Preventive Medicine(Full-Time)
- Ph.D Vet. Anaesthesiology
- Ph.D Vet. Public Health and Preventive Medicine(Part-Time)
- Ph.D Vet. Surgery (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Veterinary Anatomy
- Ph.D Veterinary Anatomy (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Veterinary Entomology
- Ph.D Veterinary Helminthology
- Ph.D Veterinary Microbology (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Veterinary Microbology (Part-Time)
- Ph.D Veterinary Pathology
- Ph.D Veterinary Physiology
- Ph.D Veterinary Protozoology
- Ph.D Veterinary Toxicology
- Ph.D Water Resources & Environmental Engineering (Full-Time)
- Ph.D Wildlife Surgery
- Ph.D Zoology
- Ph.D Aquatic Medicine
- Ph.D Computer Engineering
- Ph.D Philosophy
Kwasa-kwasan PGD
- PGD Accounting and Finance
- PGD Agric Econs.
- PPGD Agronomy
- PPGD Analytical Chemistry (Full-time)
- PPGD Anatomical Science
- PGD Animal Production (Part-Time)
- PGD Animal Science (Part-Time)
- PGD Biochemistry
- PGD Building (Part-time)
- PGD Chemical Engineering (Full-Time)
- PGD Color Chem.
- PGD Computer Engineering
- PGD Computer Science (Part-Time)
- PGD Crop Production
- PGD Crop Protection (Part-Time)
- PGD Data Communication and Software Engineering
- PGD Development Communication
- PGD Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies
- PGD Election Administration (PGDEA)
- PGD Electrical Engineering (Part-Time)
- PGD Electronics and Telecommunications
- PGD Environmental Chemistry (Part-time)
- PGD Environmental Engineering and Management
- PGD Environmental Geology
- PGD Environmental Toxicology
- PGD Farm Management & Extension
- PGD Fisheries
- PGD Geology
- PGD Geomatics
- PGD Herbal Medicine
- PGD HomeVideo Production
- PGD Human Capital Development
- PGD in Corporate Manag. Law (Part-Time)
- PGD in Estate Management Law (Part-Time)
- PGD in Forensic Biotechnology
- PGD in Geog. Information System (Part-Time)
- PGD in Inform. Management (Part-Time)
- PGD in Intern. Law & Diplomacy (Part-Time)
- PGD in Islamic Law (Part-Time)
- PGD in Management (Part-time)
- PGD in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- PGD in Peace and Conflict Management (PGDCM)
- PGD in Policy and Development Studies (PGDPS)
- PGD Industrial Design
- PGD Landscape Architecture (Part-Time)
- PGD Local Government (Full & Part Time)
- PGD Mass Communication (Part-Time)
- PGD Mechanical Engineering
- PGD Microbiology (Part-Time)
- PGD Military Judge Advocacy
- PGD Nutrition (Part-Time)
- PGD Oil and Gas Operations Management
- PGD Petroleum Geology
- PGD Pipeline and Welding Engineering
- PGD Plant Science
- PGD Police Administration and Security Management
- PGD Power and Machine
- PGD Public Administration (Part-Time)
- PGD Radiation Protection and Safety
- PGD Rural Development
- PGD Safety Engineering & Disaster Control
- PGD Seed Prod. & Tech. (Part-Time)
- PGD Soil Science
- PGD Sports Management (PGDSM)
- PGD Statistics (Part-Time)
- PGD Testing purpose_11 for now
- PGD Text. Science & Tech. (Part-Time)
- PGD Theatre for Development
- PGD Translation & Interpretation (French)
- PGD Translation & Interpretation (Hausa)
- PGD Translation and Interpretation
- PGD Transport & Logistics (PGDTL)
- PGD Urban and Regional Planning
- PGD Urban Management
- PGD Water Resource Engineering
- PGD-Food Hygiene (Part-time)
- PGD-Remote Sensing and GIS (Part-Time)
- PGD-Veterinary Epidemiology (Part-time)
- PGDE (Full time)
- PGDE (Lang. Arts) PGDE. (Full Time)
Kwasa-kwasan difloma
- Diploma in Accounting
- Diploma in Adult Education and Community Development (ACD)
- Diploma in Adult Education and Community Development (LVT)
- Diploma in Arabic Language Education (ALE)
- Diploma in Banking
- Diploma in Christian Religious Education (CRE)
- Diploma in Computer Science
- Diploma in Computer System Engineering
- Diploma in Election Administration
- Diploma in English Language Education (ELE)
- Diploma in Glass Technology
- Diploma in Guidance and Counselling Education (GCE)
- Diploma in Hausa Language Education (HED)
- Diploma in Industrial Design
- Diploma in Industrial Design (Ceramics)
- Diploma in Industrial Design (Glass Technology)
- Diploma in Industrial Design (Graphic Design & Illustration)
- Diploma in Industrial Design (Laboratory Glass Blowing)
- Diploma in Industrial Design (Textile Fashion Design)
- Diploma in Industrial Design (Textile Science & Reproduction)
- Diploma in Insurance
- Diploma in Integrated Science Education (ISE)
- Diploma in International Relations and Strategic Studies
- Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance
- Diploma in Islamic Education (DIE)
- Diploma in Law
- Diploma in Library and Information Science (LIS)
- Diploma in Library and Information Science (LVT)
- Diploma in Local Government
- Diploma in Management
- Diploma in Mass Communication
- Diploma in Mathematics Education (MED)
- Diploma in office System Administration and Management
- Diploma in Physical and Health Education (PHE)
- Diploma in Physics Education (PED)
- Diploma in Public Administration
- Diploma in Security Management (DSM-for Military)
- Diploma in Sharia and Civil Law
- Diploma in Social Work and Development Studies (SWDS)
Akwai shafukan yanar gizo guda biyu da jami'ar ABU take da shi daya na daliban digiri daya kuma na daliban gaba da digiri
Yanzu dai mun san kasan duka kwasa-kwasan da ake yi a jami'ar Ahmadu Bello dake Zaria, idan kana bukatar shiga makarantar zaka iya ziyartar shafukansu na yanar gizo.
Muhimmiyar sanarwa: Shafin NAIJ.com Hausa ya koma LEGIT.ng Hausa. Mun gode da kasancewarku tare da mu.
Domin sauke manhajar labaran Legit.ng a wayar ku ta hannu, latsa wannan rubutu na kasa:
Ku biyo mu a shafukanmu na dandalin sada zumunta:
Facebook: https://facebook.com/legitnghausa
Twitter: https://twitter.com/legitnghausa
Idan kuna da wata shawara ko bukatar bamu labari,
Tuntube mu a: labaranhausa@corp.legit.ng
Asali: Legit.ng